Let our happy clients tell you more about working with Jane at Simply Tidy with Jane!

We seem to have accumulated so much stuff and so I used the decluttering service and was genuinely surprised by the methods they used and how well they worked for me and my young children. They didn’t do the work for me, they worked with me, which was ideal because I realised I have emotional connections to items I don’t really want to keep and I put financial values on things I don’t use. The most important thing they helped me with is to understand the lifestyle I want to have and this has helped me stop buying things I don’t really need, or settling for the easy available items that don’t bring me joy. I am definitely going to continue with their methods and have the lifestyle I want for me.
— Michelle
I slept really well last night which was really nice-maybe because my bedroom is more restful.
I had a lie in this morning and walked down to the dining room and sat quietly eating breakfast in the sunlight with Fred (the cat) then Fred and I cuddled on the couch while I read a magazine and had a cup of tea. It was so relaxing without the clutter. My lifestyle is now sparking joy!
Thank you again for everything you did for us. Every time I locate something straight away it makes me happy. Today it was the tea lights or Molly’s pumpkin. I found them just like that.
— Cath
I’ve always struggled with storage space, especially for my clothes and shoes. Jane helped me to realise what items I actually needed, rather than just hoarding. There were things in my wardrobe I’d not worn for years and certainly didn’t even feel good about anymore. They rolled, folded, boxed and co-ordinated my entire collection using only the space I had available. I now have a well-organised, neat and tidy bedroom.
— Kelly
My bedroom was a mess, so un-organised. They guided me on the way to organisation. We started clearing and had 3 baskets: 1 for donations, 1 to bin, and the other to keep. I was also shown some great space saving tips: one was a better way to fold my clothes, which saves me lots of space and it looks so much tidier than just throwing them in the drawer. They were a real help to me.
— Alison
I used to find decluttering stressful but the workshop really helped me with being more decisive. It’s so simple, it’s my choice what does and doesn’t have a place in my home. Now I choose to keep only items that “spark joy”.
— Kim
“I have to say your visit yesterday has made such a massive change already! I can already visualise what I need to do. It is so much calmer and better. I never felt I would wake up excited to open my wardrobe! And everytime I open the wardrobe I have a biggest smile on my face! What an achievement! Thank you so much for starting these sparks of joyful moments in my life already! My daughter is so pleased and can not wait to start her mission!
— Holie
What a joy to have a successful tidying session!

What a joy to have a successful tidying session!